Trustees of The Croft Hall
The Croft, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0HY
Health and Safety Policy Extract
March 2019
General information for Hirers and Users of the Croft Hall
A plan of the Croft Hall is displayed on the notice board in the main hall area showing the location of all fire exits, fire alarm and extinguishers, fuse boxes, stopcocks, stairs and any other features which may have a bearing on safety.
It is the duty of all hirers and other persons using or visiting the Croft Hall to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities, and to co-operate with the Trustees in keeping the premises safe and healthy, including the grounds.
Should anyone using the Croft Hall come across any fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and cannot be rectified safely and immediately they should inform one of the persons named above as soon as possible so that the problem can be dealt with. Where equipment is damaged a notice should be placed on it warning that it is not to be used.
Limit on number of persons attending
The following limits apply and must be complied with in relation to the maximum numbers of persons attending any function or event held at the Croft Hall:
Main Hall Small Hall John Newton Room
Dancing 140 – –
Seating (restaurant style) 70 48 16
Composite of above 100 – –
Closely seated 160 72 24
Safety Rules
The following practices must be followed in order to minimise risks:
• Make sure that all emergency exit doors are kept clear and unlocked throughout the hiring
• Do not operate or touch any electrical equipment where there are signs of damage, exposure of components or water penetration
• Do not work on steps or ladders unless another person is present. No ladder may be used unless it is of sound construction, of the correct length, and either secured or footed.
• Do not use portable electrical or gas appliances without prior authorisation
• Do not stack more than eight chairs
• Do not allow children in the kitchen without a supervisory adult being present
• Be aware of and seek to avoid the following risks: slipping hazards on stairs, polished or wet floors, tripping hazards such as buggies, umbrellas, mops and other items left in halls and corridors. Mop all spills immediately.
Procedure in case of accidents
Any accident or injury should be reported to Nicholas Furr (or if he is unavailable, to any other Trustee) as soon as possible after its occurrence, and should also be recorded in the Accident Book which is kept on the windowsill in the kitchen. The First Aid box is also kept there and is available for use at all times.
The nearest hospital providing an Accident and Emergency service is the West Berkshire Community Hospital, London Road, Benham Hill, Thatcham, Berkshire RG17 3AS (tel. 01635 273300)
The location and telephone number for the nearest doctor’s surgery is: The Croft Surgery, The Croft, Hungerford, Berkshire (tel. 01488 682507)
Procedure in case of fire
The following practices must be followed in the event of any fire occurring on any part of the premises:
· Operate the nearest fire alarm point to sound the fire alarm
· All persons must leave the building immediately by either of the two fire exit doors (see attached diagram) and assemble in the forecourt car parking area. Do not delay leaving the building or attempt to re-enter it in order to collect or recover personal possessions.
Call the Fire Brigade on 999 (112 on mobile telephones) and give them the following address:
The Croft Hall, The Croft, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0HY
· The fire extinguishers provided in the building should only be used if it is safe to do so
· Do not re-enter the building unless and until the Fire Brigade confirm that it is safe to do so
The following H&SE guidelines are are appropriate for various activities on our premises: